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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Custom reclaimed wood kitchen shelving unit

Custom built in reclaimed kitchen wall shelf

 I was contracted to create a built in shelving unit to fit this small cove in a clients kitchen.

 I found two 16" floor joists that had been salvaged from a minneapolis home. After a fair bit of sanding the wood was ready to cut and finish.

 I needed to sister on a 2.5" strip of wood to get the overall shelf depth to 12"

I then applied 5 coats of a mate poly with sanding in between each coat.

Ready for final assembly. 
The  Shelf would be supported with black gas line that was cleaned and clear coated to keep from rusting.

The shelf had 8  3" plate flanges that secured it to the wall. It was a close fit with only .5" to spare on either side. fits like a glove.

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